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Dr Sallie Burrough

Researcher | Lecturer | Science Communicator | National Geographic Explorer

I've spent a great deal of my life in huge African landscapes that have undergone enormous environmental changes over many hundreds of thousands of years. Scale provides a unique perspective on the earth. Here’s a flavour of the things I’ve spent my time trying to understand:




I’m not afraid to speak my mind.  There are some things I've felt compelled to write about:




Science that makes the world cleaner, greener and kinder for my kids to live in, is science worth writing about:


  • 5 things you should know about electric cars

  • Burning buried sunshine: Why fossil fuels still dominate Africa’s most renewable-rich nations.

  • How Beer is helping Elephants in the Okavango Delta.

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MSc, Science Communication | UWE, Bristol

Writing science â—¦ Science on air & on screen â—¦ Science & society â—¦ Science, the public and media


PGCert Teaching and Learning in Higher Education | University of Oxford

Fellow, Higher Education Academy


PhD, Environmental Change | University of Oxford

Palaeoclimate â—¦ Deserts â—¦ Africa


MSc, Quaternary Science | Royal Holloway University of London

Stones â—¦ Bones â—¦ Oceans â—¦ Time


BA, Geography | University of Oxford

Ecosystems â—¦ Climate Change â—¦ Landscapes



Trapnell Research Fellow, African Environments | University of Oxford

Geoarchaeology â—¦ Geochronology â—¦ Palaeoclimate â—¦ Africa


Director | Oxford Luminescence Dating Laboratory

Management â—¦ Leadership â—¦ Mentorship â—¦ Commercial Enterprise


Postdoctoral Research Fellow | University of Oxford

Ecosystems â—¦ Fire â—¦ Environmental Change â—¦ Africa


Lecturer | Kings College, London

Teaching â—¦ Communication â—¦ Administration


Junior Dean | St Catherine's College Oxford

Compassion â—¦ Welfare â—¦ Conduct


A detailed CV is available here:

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